

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

I can guide you through development of a tactical plan which aligns with your marketing goals, budget and brand promise.

I can guide you through development of a tactical plan which aligns with your marketing goals, budget and brand promise.

marketing success
marketing success
marketing success

Old-School Strategy

While modern digital and social marketing introduces new tools and channels, the core principles of well-crafted traditional marketing strategy still apply. Understanding your target audience, highlighting your unique value proposition, and building a strong brand across channels are essential for success in marketing.

research and testing
research and testing
impactful solutions
impactful solutions

New-School Analysis

Traditional marketing often relied on indirect methods to measure effectiveness, such as surveys and market research. Digital marketing, on the other hand, offers extensive data analytics tools that provide real-time insights into campaign performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, engagement metrics, and ROI can be tracked and analyzed to optimize campaigns in real-time.

I can deploy today's best digital tools like HubSpot, Social Insights, SEMrush, and Google Analytics to regularly evaluate and adjust your marketing strategy based on real-time performance and industry trends.

Agonizing over development of your marketing plan?

Drew can help! Developing and implementing an integrated marketing strategy delivers the most cost-effective way to reach your customers.

The Basics

Identify your target audience: Understanding your audience's needs and preferences is crucial for crafting relevant messages and delivering tailored solutions that resonate with them.

Develop a compelling value proposition: Highlight the unique benefits and solutions that sets you apart from your competition.

Consistent Branding and Messaging: From your logo and visual design to your tone of voice and messaging, consistency fosters brand recognition and helps build trust among your audience.

Multichannel Presence: Social media, email marketing, PR, paid advertising, word-of-mouth, large-format print, and more. A well-rounded approach ensures you reach potential customers where they are and when they are looking.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Use data and analytics to measure the performance of your marketing efforts. Monitor key metrics, track conversions, and gather insights on what's working and what needs improvement.

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rocket computer
rocket computer


Your marketing tactics should align with your specific business goals and mission. It's important to regularly evaluate and adjust your strategies based on performance data and industry trends to ensure ongoing effectiveness. I can help!

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©2024 Drew Irwin

©2024 Drew Irwin